Grandma's Treasures
Grandma's Treasures | Montana's Yellowstone Country
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Grandma's Treasures

Grandma's Treasures

Grandma's Treasures has a very eclectic flavor. One will find a nice selection (over 500 pieces and growing) of women's, men's and children's vintage clothing. Lots of accessories from the 1900s to the 1960s are available. All clothing is laundered or dry cleaned before it is offered to the public.

There is plenty of crystal stemware and serving pieces. We have pressed glass, vaseline glass as well as some depression glass. One can find graniteware, stoneware, pottery and china. Sets of dishes for ten and fifty sets of cup and saucers. Some of the different names of china and glassware are Homer Laughlin, Franciscan, Noritake, Lenox, Royal Doulton, Shelley, Fostoria, Imperial, Cambridge Hawkes, Mikasa and Heisey.

A wonderful selection of table and bed linens, quilts and vintage fabrics plus new and old draperies can be found.

Want jewelry? Choose from gold or silver, costume to signed, rings, necklaces, brooches, bracelets, earrings, hat pins, and watches.

Grandma's Treasures was established in 1986.


 211 South Main
Livingston, MT 59047
